Here’s to tha haters

With the stress of exams beginning to build up my posts have become less regular but, have no fear I still write once in a while till it becomes a gigantic post ready to be shared with you darling readers. I recently hit the 50-post landmark and I must commend myself for even starting this blog and following it through to this point.

 While watching my timeline one night I witnessed the funniest thing ever, it made me wonder why some people are so angry at life, why they decide to live by this “fuck all the haters” motive when really no-one gives a shit whether you’re putting up pictures of yourself looking like a lesbian A$ap Rocky, it’s simply just funny as hell. You want to appear to be the mature one but you continue to indirectly speak about these imaginary “haters”. I don’t know about most people but I don’t have the time to harbour a feeling like hate in me, I am nobody’s hater because I do not care about what you are doing with yourself as long as it has no direct influence on me and anyone I love, and even at that I may just strongly dislike you. I blame Kanye West completely for this, Kanye is just angry at life but the difference between you and Kanye is that, well, he’s Kanye and you’re you. I would say I understand what the craze is to buy the skinniest ripped jeans that could possibly stop the circulation in your lower half, or the piercings that just make you look awful, or the hair dying when you are not Chris Brown. I wish people would just know their place, know what suits you, know how to take a joke, know how to avoid embarrassment, because most of the time you bring it on yourself and it really is no-ones fault but your own.

 Hate is such a strong feeling. I have found myself feeling like I hate a few people over the years but I quickly realize that it takes a lot of effort and energy that could be useful elsewhere in my life to hate someone, so I convert it to a strong dislike, because there is virtually no effort in this. 

To be a hater is such a tiresome thing. You spend time thinking about how much you hate this person, when you see their name anger rises to the surface, when you hear about them you feel the need to stop the conversation or walk away, which to me is stressful. Nobody deserves that kind of effort if you don’t like him or her, nobody.

I try to make people happy, I feel it is what I was made for. I feel like I was put on Earth to share the things I love, to expose people to the things that make me happy to make other people happy. Sometimes I forget I need to be happy too but I’m working on it. Don’t hate. Love. If someone claims to hate you show them love because they must be so stressed out from hating you, you might as well try and kill them by smothering them with love, it will end their suffering. Or nah.


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2 thoughts on “Here’s to tha haters

  1. AY says:

    Awwn I feel the same way too, I’m a lover !

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